Dive into a wealth of insights, strategies, and tips designed to elevate your leadership skills and drive professional growth. Our blog covers a wide range of topics, from time management and effective communication to strategic vision and team dynamics. Whether you're an aspiring leader or a seasoned executive, you'll find valuable content tailored to help you navigate the complexities of today's business environment.


How I Got Here May 17, 2023


I want to tell you a story.  

It will come as a series in this blogspace.

It’s a story about why I decided to leave working for a large company after many years and...

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New Horizons or What Have I Done? May 10, 2023

I'd been with my previous company for 10 years and was a respected leader.  Six months ago, I joined a new firm and struggle to get buy-in for my vision.  Did I make a mistake switching...

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Habit and Ritual May 03, 2023

On habit, ritual and things which go bump in the night…

Habits and rituals are useful mental shortcuts: filters helping us cope with the daily deluge of data modern life dumps over us,...

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What should I expect a coaching session to be like? Apr 26, 2023

Prospective coaching Clients often ask very pragmatic questions: “what is coaching exactly” “where do we meet”, “is this therapy”, “does it involve burpees...

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The Knucklehead in the Mirror Apr 19, 2023

In my mind’s eye, I move like a cheetah.  Long and lean. 

My feet lightly kiss the treadmill’s whirling belt. One footfall dances into the next.  

The veldt is my...

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Should I fire my Nana? Tales of Performance Management Apr 11, 2023

he prior leader of my new team did not properly manage a number of poor performers.  How do I clean this up?

Good things come from new leadership: fresh eyes see new possibilities.


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Is my career path leading me over a cliff? Apr 05, 2023

Recently a client wanted to talk about developing her “career path” (don’t like the term, but more on this later). She had been in her role awhile and felt stuck.  


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Of New Bosses and Upset Carts Mar 29, 2023

My boss of more than 10 years is retiring.  His replacement has a tough reputation and she doesn’t know me.  I’m worried for my team and myself.  Any ideas?

We all know...

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Ready to Overcome 3 Common Leadership Challenges?

Learn the secrets to effective leadership with this comprehensive guide. This resource addresses key questions often arising in coaching sessions, providing actionable insights and strategies to overcome common hurdles. Additionally, you'll find links to articles from respected journals highlighting the transformative benefits of leadership coaching. Whether you're a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, this guide will equip you with the tools needed to navigate your leadership journey successfully.