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Coaching: Let's break some china!

Mar 16, 2023

Folks sometimes ask me, “what is professional coaching and what exactly do you do?”.  

Its not mysterious: allow me a few pixels to explain.

Coaching is a co-creative process between Client and Coach.  

Co-Creative means what it says:  a process wherein Client and Coach engage together to work through a challenge and create a new outcome for the Client.

The Client owns the agenda and subsequent actions.

The Coach helps bring clarity to the conversation and acts as both sparring and accountability partner.

Most of my sessions are via Zoom and I will always start a session asking what topic the Client is bringing to our virtual table along with their desired takeaway.

Then the conversation begins.

In the session, I am an active listener, paying close attention to what is said and how it’s said.  I’m mindful of context within the broader set of our conversations.

I interject from time to time a question or an observation.  I challenge and cajole and am ready to activate the BS ALARM as needed (everybody get the occasional zap. some get more than others).

80% of the words said will be spoken by the Client.  I’m there as a Coach, not an oracle or therapist.  

My role is to help them see their challenge clearly and formulate a course of action.  

Think of it like this:

You come to the session holding a problem in your hand. 

I encourage you to turn it over. Roll it around. Look again.  

What do you see now?  Anything new?

Hold it up to the light.  Crack it open like an egg.  Break it against the wall.

Examine the pieces.

Has your understanding changed?   

What do you now see which has a name and demands attention?

What is different and where do we go from here?

What the Client and I are doing is considering the challenge they’ve brought from multiple vantage points and perspectives.  We work to be open to its possibilities.  

It is quite common for a Client to come in grasping one thing and leaving with something entirely different in hand: often a more nuanced viewpoint. 

The session wraps up with the client articulating where they found value and insight and the actions they will take between this session and our next one.

Voila! That’s really it. Not rocket science, but effective!

If you wonder whether coaching can help you overcome a professional challenge, Let’s Talk.  Please feel free to schedule a Discovery Session with me by clicking on the attached link. 

Until next time.

Be well everybody

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