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Mar 06, 2024

Effective Leaders create and communicate a vision for a world other people want to be a part of.

Sometimes they create a vision for a large organization as an apex leader.  Other times they interpret a top-of-the-house aspiration for their team, helping the team understand their individual roles in delivering a grander scheme.

An Effective Leader understands that he or she leads human beings who want their work to “matter”, to feel a part of something significant.  They want to see the fit between their work and the broader purpose of the enterprise.

So, how do you paint such a picture?

Tell the team where you’re going and what you need from them

As a leader, you’re asking a team to come on a journey with you.  You’re leading them up the mountain and you want them to understand how it looks from the top.

Perhaps your organization is mission focused. Consider the opening line of The American Red Cross’s vision:

“The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need.”

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of work helping those in need?  Powerful.

Or, perhaps your organization is a for profit concern.  Consider the vision statement of Microsoft:

“Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”

Microsoft is not talking about selling more, although undoubtedly they hope to do just that. 

Selling more doesn’t speak to a bigger purpose but aspiring to empower people across the globe to achieve does. 

Time to translate

But visions which remain aspirational are essentially management bumper stickers transmitting non-specific and idiosyncratic sentiments rather than a credible and achievable destination:  without translation to action there’s no “there there”. 

As an Effective Leader, it's on you to translate high level aspirations to the desk level for your team.  You’ve got to show them what it means for them and hold them accountable for achieving it.

So, what’s your vision for making the bigger picture tangible and actionable by your team?

And, as we’ll discuss next time, how do you align the team’s limited resources to achieve the vision?

Tactical Leadership Nuggets:  

  1. Involve your team in creating the translation.  You will increase buy-in for change by including them.

  2. Remind the team often of the bigger picture and how their work is tied to it:  make it patent for them and use the bigger picture as a North Star to guide actions and decisions.

  3. Harmonize points of dissonance between the Vision and the daily work.

  4. Talk to your peers:  how are they interpreting the bigger picture?  What can you learn from them and how can you align with them to create joint and aligned movement?

  5. Check out Andrea Belk Olson’s Harvard Business Review article, “Why Every Department Needs Its Own Strategy,” January 24, 2024: a short but excellent read.

I’d welcome the opportunity to share with you how I can help you and your team reach your next summit on this or any other topic through creation of bespoke training, consulting or individual/team leadership coaching. 

To book a complimentary and no-obligation Exploration Session to discuss your challenges, please click on the button at the top.  I look forward to speaking with you.

Until next time, Be Well


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